Trying to defy reality since Y2K. Welcome to my Internet-based insanity chamber. Enjoy your stay.




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AoiShinigami's News

Posted by AoiShinigami - April 21st, 2019

Greetings, everyone.

I'm sure my abscense would be raising questions right now.

Basically there were some circumstances, some of which are family-related, that had severely slowed down everything I've been doing. That is until now.

As of lately, I have been writing down various ideas, some of which got started out as projects, and some were even inserted into the main project, formerly known as Dokuroshima.

I have had quite a few problems with the original name, and after thinking it through more deeply, I have decided to rename it into Void-Zero (stylized as [Void-Zero]), as you will see on the logo below. The trailer is underway, presenting my new and improved art/animation style; it would feature fragments out of the pilot episode, which is the prologue of the reboot. This is the first project that had been written and storyboarded with actual effort; it is a noticeable improvement over what the project used to be, seeing how it will appear less random in comparison.

What else I've got?

First things first, let me introduce my secondary YouTube channel. It would mostly contain some non-content (meme edits, YTP's, etc.), keeping the main channel more concentrated on actual projects. 

Whoever's interested, here it is:


Alongside that, I also think of getting back to making Madness animations, and a few short ones are under development. They'll be a vast improvement over the ones I made ever before.

With all that being said, I am not dead, and my content will eventually flow once again.




Posted by AoiShinigami - February 19th, 2018

Greetings, everyone.

It has been a while since I've visibly done anything, but contrary to what many would expect, I'm still kicking. Life itself keeps beating me up in many terms, including time, but nontheless, work had been continued throughout most of the time.

First and foremost, the Dokuroshima Reboot is still worked on; now that both script and static storyboarding are done a long time ago, I'm well over halfway past the animatic stage of production. Of course I don't have the intention to spoil everything, but what I can say, the reboot pilot episode itself won't have the trio from the original Dokuroshima due to it being set "Long time ago". The three protagonists, like pretty much anything, will be renamed in order to slightly deviate from the 'weeb' style visible all over the original series. More will be said eventually, but so far, this is as much as I would like to mention about the project.

As for other projects, I'm thinking of doing another meme-based Madness animation alongside, so I guess you may expect that to come out eventually.

Also, Vid.me has unfortunately been shut down, but there now is yet another YouTube alternative called "Viuly.io". Supposedly, this is another attempt to counter the censorship issues using the Etherium blockchain technology, and it even has its own cryptocurrency circulated within the network; upon registration, you're already given 10 VIU. I don't know much about it myself, but I would rather have a backup video channel of sorts based outside YouTube.

Here's my new channel (under construction): https://viuly.io/channel/65479

Here's my referral link; my account was made through a similar one: https://viuly.io/r/K7432505a8a0987d

And here's a random draft of a guy jumping away, because why not :P


Posted by AoiShinigami - April 10th, 2017

Just created my own Vid.me page, and a couple of animations are already available there. More will be uploaded there as well soon.

Here it is:


Since I'm not that popular yet, the whole demonetization issue on YouTube doesn't really matter to me, but I'm pretty sure animators, even as small as me, will have their stuff purged away (especially since I got a couple of Moon Man animations over at my channel), so I have expanded towards the aforementioned platform just in case...


2018.01.13 UPDATE: Vid.me got rekt. Fortunately, I didn't invest much effort into my channel there in the first place, so there's not much lost on my side. Sad to hear such a promising platform to go down, but I did hear that their administration were getting more like that on YouTube, so I got mixed feelings about it.

Either way, my Vid.me channel is not a thing anymore, like Vid.me itself.

Posted by AoiShinigami - January 1st, 2017

Greetings, everyone :D

It's 2017 now, and after the long months of development, I've finally got the project advanced by an installment.

Here it is - Dokuroshima Episode 2 Part One:



It may seem underwhelmingly short, considering the duration of the development, but at least the graphics have been improved, so I still hope this installment will be even better received than the last one

Posted by AoiShinigami - November 18th, 2016

Greetings, everyone.

Just came to announce that the animation works on Dokuroshima Episode 2 Part 1 is complete, and now I'm working on the audio. Also, looking for a voice actor; the requirement is to have the voice closely resembling the one used in the previous installments:


Anyone interested, you may write me through PM, or visit the thread on the VA forums:



UPDATE: I decided to make a final release date for this, which would be this Christmas

Posted by AoiShinigami - June 25th, 2016

EDIT: Animation is done, now working on audio; Voice Actor wanted.


It may have looked otherwise, but nontheless, the works on Dokuroshima still go on.

And I have a trailer here to prove it:

If anyone's interested, I got the rest of the series here, as well as YouTube, along with a lot of other stuff.

The YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo1n5X14cKggbuZWw3QZgjg

Posted by AoiShinigami - April 12th, 2016

Yup, I still work with the Phoenix Studios. And don't worry, I didn't forget about making my own stuff as well.

As for now, though, I'd be glad to show off the progress made so far. Introducing: The Official Opening :D



Phoenix Studios:

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqmXPOuNumqfvVmViJX5AEg

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thephoenixstudios

Posted by AoiShinigami - January 14th, 2016

Greetings, everyone.

Although It happened more than a week ago, I wanted to wait and make sure this event of mine has been started up properly. And since it happened, I've finally decided to throw another post into my NG page news. Not to mention the info has already leaked earlier in a reply to a comment in my previous news post. This is basically a more refined version of the reply.

First of all, I've got invited by a bunch of ambitious people, like myself, to create a sizable animation project known as "Harmony Revolt". Not tremendous by some standards, but as far as I have ever been within the whole web-based animation thing, it seems epic compared to what I had before. The first given shot had been done with satisfying quality, so my cooperation with them will continue. That doesn't mean my own projects are off though; Dokuroshima Episode 2 is in writing stage, and then there's another little parody flash being made as of now.

Also, after the first few silent weeks of 2016, I've decided to "revive" my blog with a new post that covers the new project and some more things that this post. It will be submitted soon after this news post is up with more detailed information about more things than just the new project.

So if you're curious about this new gig I've joined, you can visit these links below:


Phoenix Studios:

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqmXPOuNumqfvVmViJX5AEg

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thephoenixstudios

Posted by AoiShinigami - December 12th, 2015

Greetings, everyone.

It's been quite a while, but FINALLY, I've managed to get Dokuroshima Episode 1 Part 3 done. You can check it out through the link below:


On a not really related note, I'm having a trip in a few days, so sadly, I may not be able to do much in terms of projects any time soon. Hopefully that issue would be resolved soon though.

Posted by AoiShinigami - November 6th, 2015

Greetings, everyone.

It is known that I have a YouTube channel, but instead of just keeping it like a random video dump, I decided to actually do something with it in the near future.

What has been done already:

* Header is replaced with something that seems a bit more presentable. Now it has a more abstract image that is made specifically for the channel instead of a random art thrown onto the channel's landing page like it used to be.

* Added playlists. Now the videos are separated into playlists for better navigation within my video collection, and about time: There's about thirty videos already, and I don't plan to stop yet.

Doesn't sound like much, but at least it looks more like a channel meant to show things to people, which it should be. If you're interested, feel free to check out the channel and its content, including, but not limited to, anime-esque stuff, Madness flashes and YTP's:


(*sigh* Yes, this is yet another lazy attempt at getting moar subscribers. If you came here to throw tomatoes at me, at least step into the line just like everybody else... *grabs a riot shield*)